New app idea: streak builder
I’ve started working on a new app idea for building streaks. The idea is pretty simple: most streak-tracking apps I’ve seen are about starting a streak and keeping to it to the best of your ability right from the get-go. But some habits are not so easy to form or break, and breaking a streak can be an inevitable experience, which — through the lens of these apps — can nonetheless be very discouraging.
My idea is to guide the user to build their streaks slow and steady. In fact, the working title is “Steady”. On day one, you only need to complete one day to finish your first streak. For a difficult task, this easy goal is hopefully a less daunting task than commiting to an indefinite streak. After successfully completing a streak, you get a nice, celebratory rest day before you start again. The next streak is just a little longer, and each subsequent streak (separated by another reast day) is just a day longer than the previous one, giving you confidence that it isn’t much harder than what you already managed to achieve.